August 18, 1944
Five Neshoba county boys have been wounded recently according to the information given out by the local chapter of the American Red Cross.
A number of teachers in the Philadelphia City schools have not been able to obtain desirable rooms for the coming school session. A large number of teachers returned have not been able to secure rooms and practically all of the new teachers so far have been unable to secure rooms.
August 19, 1954
Rev. Clark W. McMurray has accepted the call of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, to become pastor, and will move to Philadelphia during the month of September. He has been pastor of the Stanford Baptist Church, Stanford, Kentucky for the past four years.
Dr. A. L. Gray of the State Health Department in Jackson was the speaker at the Exchange Club Wednesday. He was introduced by Harold Webb, of the County Health Department, who was also a guest of the club.
August 20, 1964
The first plant in Mississippi to make structural plywood from pine saw timber was announced today by Governor Paul B. Johnson and Tom DeWeese, President of A. DeWeese Lumber Company of Philadelphia.
A grant of $55,800 has been approved for the City of Philadelphia for two waste stabilization ponds and an interceptor sewer, it was announced this week in a teleran from Congressman Arthur Winstead.
August 22, 1974
Young men reaching 18 years of age must still register under the Military Selective Service Act even though no one is presently being inducted, said Mississippi Selective Service director, Harold R. White.
August 22, 1984
For the 17th consecutive month, Philadelphia sales tax returns have registered an increase. But despite the increase, the city fell in the rankings from last month. Philadelphia was rated as the 26th highest municipality in sales tax returns in June.
August 17, 1994
The Silver Star Hotel & Casino will officially celebrate its grand opening Thursday and Friday. The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians opened its newest development to an overwhelming crowd on July 1 and the "people just keep coming," officials said.
Col. Howard Luke Goodwin of DeKalb is the new chief of staff for the Mississippi Army National Guard, headquartered in Jackson.
August 25, 2004
Fines and even possible jail time could be levied against owners of a house on Byrd Avenue if they are found in violation of the city's zoning ordinance and fail to comply.
Remembered as an extraordinary leader with a hilarious personality and a broad smile to match, 2nd Lt. Matthew Ryan Stovall died Sunday in Iraq when a roadside bomb exploded as the convoy in which he was riding passed. He was 25 and the second Neshoba County native killed in the war.
August 20, 2014
Philadelphia attorney Fenton B. DeWeese II was among 26 legal professionals honored Aug. 14 for their work providing civil legal assistance to the poor.