Of Local Interest
The Rhodes family reunion will be held Sunday, September 8, at the Community Center in Union. Please bring a covered dish and come enjoy a time with family and friends. For more information contact Sheila Rhodes Turnage 601-441-2208
Union’s Country Day will be here soon, September 21, 2024! There are a wide range of events that will be taken place including lots of Vendors.
Country Gal and Boy Pageant on Thursday, September 19th at 6:30 pm, Ages 0 - 18, will be held at Downtown Union at the Mini Park, Contact Sandy Robinson 601-416-6175.
Union Country Day Car Show on Saturday, 9/21/24, Registration begins at 7 am, Awards at 10 am with the Parade at 10:30 am. Contact is Annalyse Shoemaker.
Union Country Day 5K Run and Walk, Saturday, 9/21/24, Registration 6:30-7:30 am, Start Time 8 am, Sessums Park, 112 Park Street, Union. Registration $25, 5K Walk Awards and 5K Run Awards. Contact Jennifer McElhenney 601-416-3438, Vincent McElhenney 601-416-8152 or online https://time2run.raceentry.com/.../country.../2024/register
The Neshoba County Soil and Water Conservation District will be taking tree orders through October 31st, 2024.
Order forms are available from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday at the office or you can call 601-656-8783 Ext. 3 and we will e-mail or mail an order form to you. The office is located at 511 East Lawn Drive in the USDA Building.
We are asking that you pay for the trees when placing your order. You may drop off your payment and order form in a drop box outside of the front door.
The trees are bare root trees and will arrive in February 2025. By ordering bulk wholesale we can pass the savings on to you. Proceeds from tree sales will help support educational programs throughout the year.
If you have any questions, call 601-656-8783 Ext
Friends of the Kemper Newton Regional Library System will meet September 5, 3:30pm at the Union Library. Please join us to discuss what we can do to support our libraries and the services they provide for the communities they serve.
Linwood Fire Department will have our Annual Board Meeting on October 8, 2024 at 6:30. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. It will be at Station 1 on Road 325.
Come join us at Pine Grove Church of God (Dixon) for our Homecoming.September 15th. Brother Rusty Walton will bring our message. Lunch will be after service. After lunch The Corner Stones will sing.
The Neshoba County Forestry Association is having its annual Fall Meeting on September 24 , 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Neshoba County Coliseum. Dr. Paul Jeffereys, South Central Reforestation advisor for ArborGen will be speaking on planting density to decrease the problem with the pulpwood market to avoid a first-time thinning with only pulpwood. Please note that if you have not already paid your annual NCFA $20 dues, make plans to do so at the upcoming meeting. Dues can be paid with cash or a check payable to the Neshoba County Forestry Association. We greatly appreciate all our generous sponsors for the NCFA who have so kindly sponsored our meal that will be hosted by Penn’s. Please call the MSU Extension Office at 601-656-4011 to RSVP by September 17th. I look forward to seeing you all the September 24th.
North Calvary Baptist Church invites everyone to attend revival services from September 8-11. Service times are Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Rev. Joey Savell will be the guest speaker.