PAID POLITICAL AD/Ralph Nowell seeks election as District 1 Supervisor
Hello, I am Ralph Nowell. I am running for Supervisor District 1.
I am the son of Samuel C and Ruby Faye Nowell, and I have one son. I have been employed in the road and bridge construction business as a foreman or manager for over 30 years.
I have the skills and the want to do this job from day one. I would like to see the rest of our roads paved which would reduce maintenance costs considerably. We also need to think heavily on our future for our children. We need more and better jobs in this county so we can keep some of our children here to help build this county even stronger.
Working together we can keep this county growing and strong. I believe everyone should have a voice in this county, and I will be for the people and betterment of this county.
I had knee surgery in April, which didn't go well. So I haven't been able to see as many of you as I wanted.
If elected, I will be a full time Supervisor. I will address every issue given to me, no matter what. I will keep the people and county's best interest in mind at all times. When you need me, I will be there, and there will be answers. Thank you for your support.